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  1. › wiki › Mehmed_IIMehmed II - Wikipedia

    Mehmed II is recognized as the first sultan to codify criminal and constitutional law, long before Suleiman the Magnificent; he thus established the classical image of the autocratic Ottoman sultan. Mehmed's thirty-year rule and numerous wars expanded the Ottoman Empire to include Constantinople, the Turkish kingdoms and territories of Asia ...

  2. II. Mehmed (Osmanlıca: محمد ثانى, romanize: Meḥemmed-i Sânî) veya bilinen adıyla Fatih Sultan Mehmed ya da kısaca Fatih (30 Mart 1432, Edirne – 3 Mayıs 1481, Gebze), Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun 7. padişahıdır.

  3. 26 Mar 2024 · Mehmed II (born March 30, 1432, Adrianople, Thrace, Ottoman Empire—died May 3, 1481, Hunkârçayırı, near Maltepe, near Constantinople) was an Ottoman sultan from 1444 to 1446 and from 1451 to 1481. A great military leader, he captured Constantinople and conquered the territories in Anatolia and the Balkans that constituted the Ottoman ...

  4. 13 May 2020 · Mehmed II (1432-1481 CE), also known as Mehmed the Conqueror, was the seventh and among the greatest sultans of the Ottoman Empire. His conquests consolidated Ottoman rule in Anatolia and the Balkans, and he most famously triumphed in conquering the prized city of Constantinople , transforming it into the administrative center, cultural hub ...

  5. Müellif: HALİL İNALCIK. 27 Receb 835 (30 Mart 1432) tarihinde Edirne’de doğdu. II. Murad’ın dördüncü oğludur. Altı yaşında iken Amasya’ya vali tayin edildiği iddiası şüphelidir; 1443 baharında iki lalası Kassabzâde Mahmud ve Nişancı İbrâhim b. Abdullah Bey ile Edirne’den Manisa’ya vali gönderildiği bilinmektedir.

  6. Mehmed II. Rumeli Fortress (Rumeli Hisarı) on the European bank of the Bosporus, Istanbul. Under Sultan Mehmed II (ruled 1451–81) the devşirme increasingly came to dominate and pressed their desire for new conquests in order to take advantage of the European weakness created at Varna. Constantinople became their first objective.

  7. Mehmed II - Ottoman Empire, Conqueror, Sultan: The capture of Constantinople bestowed on Mehmed incomparable glory and prestige and immense authority in his own country, so that he began to look upon himself as the heir of the Roman Caesars and the champion of Islam in holy war.

  1. Find the deal you deserve on eBay. Discover discounts from sellers across the globe. No matter what you love, you'll find it here. Search mehmed 2 and more.